Pay Your Bill
Pay Your StratusIQ Bill Online!
Welcome to StratusIQ’s online bill payment system, secured and operated by PayDQ. You may view and pay your bill using electronic check, or a VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express credit card.
The information you submit on this site is secure and will be kept confidential. All communications between you and PayDQ are encrypted using Secure Sockets technology and strong security procedures are maintained and monitored in our processing center. We safeguard any personal information you may supply and do not share it.
Please note that to pay your bill for the first time you will need a special one-time use Security Code for the initial registration of your account. This code is 272 plus the last four digits of your account number (i.e. 272xxxx).
By clicking below you will be leaving StratusIQ’s website and will be redirected to our secured online payment site.

Frequently Asked Questions.
How to Access our Online Bill Pay System
From our home page, select the Pay Bill button, then select the Continue button, and then select “Click Here To Register.”
Account Number
Your account number is a 10-digit number that can be found on your monthly statement.
Security Code
A one-time use Security Code is required for initial registration of your account. Contact StratusIQ at (719) 573-5343 to obtain this security code.
User Name
Choose a user name. Your user name will be case sensitive. It should be between 6 and 16 characters in length with no spaces or special characters.
Choose a password. It should be between 6 and 16 characters. Include upper-case and lower-case letters and numbers. Do not use special characters such as ” / , . ‘ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) – Do not make your password a normal dictionary word or something that is easily guessed, like a birthday, or your name.
Update Email Address
In the Personal Information section, click the Change Email link to enter a new email address. Confirm Email address and click the Submit button.
How do I make a payment?
Make a Payment
To make a single payment, click the Make a Payment link in the Account Information section. Add your Payment Method and the Payment Amount. Then select either Pay Now or Schedule Payment for a future date. Confirm that the information you entered is correct then click the Continue button.
Set Up Recurring Payments
In the Recurring Payments Information section, select Setup Auto Pay. Select Payment Method and Bill Day (the day of each month you would like your payment to be processed). Click the Update Recurring Payments button.
Change a Recurring Payment
Click the Edit Recurring Payments link in the Recurring Payments Information section and select your desired Payment Method. If the payment method you would like to use is not listed in the drop down list, return to the Account Information section, click the Make a Payment link, click the Pay With Different Account link, then select whether you want to Add a Bank Account or Add a Debit/Credit Card.
After you have added your desired payment method, return to the Recurring Payments Information section, click the Edit Recurring Payments link and select the newly added Payment Method.
Verify your Bill Day (the day of each month you would like your payment to be drawn from your account). Keep in mind, that you must keep your payment day between four and ten days prior to the due date shown on your statement. Click the Update Recurring Payments button.
Cancel a Recurring Payment
In the Recurring Payments Information section, click the Edit Recurring Payments link, then click the Cancel Recurring Payments button.
What does it cost to make a payment?
There is a 2% processing fee for all customers who pay their bill with a credit/debit card. This fee may be avoided by setting up an ACH payment in the online bill pay system or by mailing in a check to our main office.
Can I make a one-time payment online?
Yes, click the Make a Payment link to make a secure one-time payment online.
Can I post-date (schedule) my payment?
Yes, by using the Schedule Payment option you can choose the date you want your payment to be processed.
Can I make a payment for an amount different from my balance due?
Yes, you can pay any amount you like. If you pay less than your account balance, there will still be an amount due. Please note that if the remainder of the balance is not paid by the due date, you may incur late charges.
If you pay more than the account balance it will be reflected as a credit on your account.
What Bill Day should I choose for Recurring Payments?
You should choose a Bill Day that is four to ten days before the due date on your monthly statement. If the day you chose is not within this window you may run the risk of late or delinquent payments.
What happens when my Bill Day falls on a weekend or holiday?
Your payment will be processed the following business day.
Is it my responsibility to be sure that my payment was made?
Yes, it is your responsibility to be sure your payment was made. There may be circumstances that prevent the online payment system from making your scheduled Recurring Payment. Please check your payment history in the Scheduled Payments and Recent Payment Activity section to confirm that your payment was successful.
Will I be notified if my Recurring Payment is not processed?
A StratusIQ Customer Service Representative will attempt to notify you if your Recurring Payment fails to process. To be certain, however, you should review your payment history after the scheduled payment, to confirm the payment was successful.
Why wasn’t my Recurring Payment processed?
There are various reasons your payment may not have been processed. Recurring Payments will initiate a debit to the payment account you have chosen as the payment method. If the payment doesn’t process and your payment method is a credit card, you will be notified by email. If your payment method is checking or savings, it could take from one to five days for your payment to reject and you will be notified by email when this occurs. If you believe that your payment was not made, and it should have been, please contact StratusIQ at (719) 573-5343.
Why don’t I see the payment that Recurring Payments is making today in my history?
If Recurring Payments is making your payment today, it may not show in your payment history until after daily processing which usually takes place at 3:00pm Central Time.
When will StratusIQ receive my payment?
Your payment will be posted to your account within two business days. Your Customer Service Representatives will not be able to see your payment until it is posted to your account.
What is the Payment Confirmation Number used for?
Your payment confirmation number allows our staff to look up all the details regarding a payment you have made using the online payment center.
Why hasn’t my balance changed even though I made a payment online?
It takes up to two business days to process your payment. Once your payment has been processed it should be reflected in your balance.
How do I change the payment method used for Recurring Payments?
Click the Edit Recurring Payments link then select the desired Payment Method from the drop down. If the payment method you would like to use is not listed in the drop down list, you will need to return to the Account Information section, click the Make a Payment link, click the Pay With Different Account link, then select whether you want to Add a Bank Account or Add a Debit/Credit Card.
How do I update the expiration date on my credit card?
To update the expiration date on your credit card for recurring payments, you will be required to re-enter all of the new credit card information in the Account Information section. Click the Make a Payment link, then the Pay With Different Account link. Select Add a Debit/Credit Card and enter your card information. Click the Submit button. Your Recurring Payments Information should now include the updated information.
If I disconnect my StratusIQ account, do I need to stop my Recurring Payments service?
Yes, you must cancel your Recurring Payments service if you discontinue your service. This will ensure security for your account and prevent possible charges to your account.